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It’s that time of year again when I share my annual gratitude list. It was a good year and I am incredibly thankful for the many gifts this year brought me. In no particular order, here are the things that stand out most for me about this year:

Turning A Corner

This year I felt like I turned a corner on my personal journey. After several years in what I call the in-between, I feel like I have found my footing again and life feels more stable. Hurts have been healed, old stories have been released, and I have a deep sense of ease within me. I am grounded and much more certain about the things that matter most to me. It has taken awhile for me to get here but I am very grateful to be here now.

She’s Brave

Earlier this year I had the privilege of speaking on the She’s Brave stage. This moment held a lot of significance for me as it helped me remember something important about myself. Until then, I unconsciously thought my gift as a speaker could only be used in a very specific setting. Standing on the She’s Brave stage reminded me that was not true and I stepped into a new level of freedom that day.

My OneWord

When CHOICE came to me as my OneWord for 2017 I was confused because it is not a verb. However, as 2017 progressed I saw how perfect this word was for me. Over and over again this year I was invited to make a CHOICE about who I wanted to be and how I wanted to show up in the world. From releasing old beliefs to taking uncomfortable steps outside my comfort zone, I have made choices this year that have had positively impacted me. I’m thankful for this word and for having the courage throughout the year to make a CHOICE for the different I wanted in my life.

My Coaches

As a coach, I know the value of working with a coach. This year, I have worked with exceptional ones. These women helped me find my voice, my message and supported me by pushing me outside my comfort zone. Each of them came to me exactly when I needed them and I’m thankful for their influence in my life and business.

My Clients

I know every coach thinks her clients are the best but mine REALLY are the best. I have had a front row seat to witness the extraordinary courage of my clients. Women who dared to say, “this way of living isn’t working for me and I want different”, then took action to make it happen. It has been such a privilege to support each of them through their journey of change.

Three Years in Business

Whew! I almost didn’t make it to this milestone. I feel like every year that I have been in business the temptation to quit has been present. This year was no different though I probably came the closest I’ve ever come to giving up. THANKFULLY, I didn’t because it was shortly afterward that I received the clarity that has taken things to a whole new level for me.

Clarity & Alignment

My business continues to evolve as I do my own inner work and listen more deeply to the wisdom that wants to come through me. With the support of my coaches, I have learned to turn inward for direction. This has lead to greater clarity and alignment in my work.

I can confidently say that my genius is in creating a safe space to support people through the, sometimes, difficult transitions that accompanies change. Having navigated some significant (and painful) changes in my own life, I know how to hold that space really well. I feel more aligned in my work and that has created more confidence and boldness to show up even more.

This year has been filled with new beginnings. The journey continues and I look forward to seeing what unfolds for me both professionally and personally next year.

Now it’s your turn. I would love to hear what’s on your gratitude list for this year. Leave a comment below to share.

From my heart to yours,



P.S: If you find yourself feeling stuck or uncertain about a change you need to make and you’re ready to explore how to get moving let’s talk. Schedule a complimentary Courage Igniter call with me. This no obligation call is a chance for us to look at what you really want for yourself, what’s been standing in your way, and why now is the time for you to access your courage. Click here to schedule your call.

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