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vision board benefits
My 2016 Vision Board

December has arrived, which means it’s time for two of my end of year traditions – choosing my OneWord for 2017 and creating my annual Vision Board.

For the first time in a very long time, I’ve come to December still unsure what my word for next year will be. I normally receive my word just before Thanksgiving. There is one currently ruminating around in my mind but I’m not yet sure it’s meant to be my word.

Though I am not clear about my word for next year, I’ll still create my vision board. I’ve been creating Vision Boards since 2009 when a friend first introduced me to the idea.

A Board & A Bridge

I had always wanted to visit Sydney, Australia. While putting together that first vision board I came across a picture of the Sydney Opera House and Harbor Bridge. I intuitively put it front and center on my board with no idea how that would ever happen.

Six months later, I was climbing to the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Looking across that harbor, I became convinced of the power of a vision board and I’ve been making one ever since. 

Over the years I’ve discovered multiple benefits to creating a vision board. In the interest of this not becoming the world’s longest blog post, I’m sharing 5 benefits I believe you gain from having a vision board.


Your vision board keeps you focused because Shiny Object Syndrome is a real thing. You start out with good intentions but then something comes along that catches your attention and suddenly now you’re doing that thing instead. A vision board helps you stay the course when something else vies for your attention.


Your vision board is meant to have on it words and images that inspire you. At that moment, inspiration is strong but, often, something happens and you start to lose that inspiration. On the hard days when discouragement is lingering over you, your vision board can remind you of how you felt when hope was high and nothing felt impossible.


When you’re first starting out on something, there is always a lot of excitement. Inevitably, though, that excitement wanes and you start losing motivation. Your vision board can act as a catalyst to reignite your motivation and keep you moving forward instead of staying stuck where you are.


I usually let my intuition guide me when I create my board but you can also use a Vision Board to help you achieve a specific goal. I know many people who put a goal they want to reach on their board. Seeing this daily on your vision board provides the incentive for you to take action to reach your goals.

Expanded Vision

I let my intuition guide me as I create my board because my mind will always limit me to what I think is possible. My intuition, on the other hand, knows that I am capable of more than I may realize. When I let my intuition lead this process, new possibilities open up to me and life often takes me places I never dreamed possible (like the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge  ).

A Guidebook

I want you to discover these benefits for yourself. To support you, I’ve created a Vision Board Guidebook that will walk you step-by-step through how to create your own vision board.

This guidebook is specifically about creating a vision board for the New Year. However, the principles can be modified to create a Life Board or a board about a specific goal or dream.

The choice is yours but I encourage you to give creating a vision board a try. You just might be surprised at what you learn about yourself in the process.

Grab your copy of the Vision Board Guidebook

This FREE Guidebook will walk you through all the steps you need to take to release last year, plan and vision for this year, and how to create your very own vision board. 

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As always, here’s to you rising into your greatness! 

From my heart to yours,




P.S: It’s easy enough to do what you’ve always done. Why not try something new this year? Grab your FREE guidebook and see what becomes possible. 

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