The last month or so has been pretty full on for me. I’ve spent lots of time in creation mode putting new content together for my community and lots of energy processing what felt like a firestorm of emotions.
During this time, I was acutely reminded of the importance of self-care. I had fallen into the trap so many women I know fall into of being so focused on what I need to get done that I kept putting off what my soul needed.
I paid a price for that when I hit a wall last month and having learned my lesson, I committed to being kinder to myself. I spent the day yesterday, hanging out at one of the state parks not far from my house.
It’s on a lake, which is perfect for me since I love the water. I spent hours walking trails and sitting in the stillness surrounded only by the sounds of nature. It was the perfect balm to the weariness I was feeling after the last few weeks of heavy pushing.
Because I know I’m not the only prone to forgetting the importance of self-care, today I want to give you 4 reasons why self-care is important:
Creates more ease
This isn’t about making life easy but rather creating more spaciousness in your life. Good self-care helps you have more breathing room so you can stay focused on what matters, while not getting sidetracked by the shiny object in the corner.
Having more ease allows you to be intentional in how you spend your time rather than doing things just for the sake of doing them. You spend your time on what matters most to you because you have space to choose wisely.
Prevents burnout
Burnout is a real thing and can happen to anyone, even to the person who is absolutely certain they are doing the work they were born to do.
We were not meant to be on the run 24/7, barely taking the time to get a good night’s sleep. When self-care is a priority, you can keep things in perspective and avoid getting to the point where you want to give up.
Keeps your tank full
As women, we make the mistake of believing that making ourselves last on our list is the best way to serve those we love and care about. After all, aren’t we meant to sacrifice for the sake of others?
The problem is when you are last on your list, you end up with nothing to give yourself and in the long run, you end up with nothing to give to those you most want to serve. You can’t run your car on an empty tank and you can’t run your body on an empty tank either.
Nourishing your soul with the things that energize and light you up is what will keep your tank full so you have more to give.
Supports your mental health
We underestimate the power of self-care to help keep our mental well-being in check. The negative effects of stress on our minds are well documented. We can’t shut our minds off, we lose sleep, and we feel frazzled and on edge. None of this puts you in a position of being at your best.
Proper self-care allows your mind time to also relax. As your body is not meant to run non-stop, neither is your mind meant to be constantly processing information. As your mind also gets some breathing room, you sleep better and you function at a much higher capacity.
Self-care is important and should be an on-going part of your everyday routine. As the quote above says, it is not a reward for getting something done instead it needs to be part of the process of how you live your life every day.
To help you know where you are on the self-care continuum I’ve created a free quiz you can take to locate yourself. At the end of the quiz are some tips you can take to start incorporating more self-care into your day.
Click here to access the Self-Care Assessment.
Here’s to you making you a priority and rising into your greatness.
From my heart to yours,
If you are struggling with putting a consistent self-care routine into practice, I can help. Schedule a complimentary call with me today where we can discuss how things can change for you as you start making you a priority.
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