“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
This was named as the #1 regret of the dying. My passion, and the fuel that drives my work, is that you will find your brave and learn how to regret-proof your life.
Transforming your life is not easy. Staying where you are is the easy choice; choosing to change is harder and will challenge you.
But working with a coach can provide both the support and accountability you need to look at what’s not working for you and create a plan to get you unstuck.
Coaching NOT Therapy
Coaching is often confused with therapy or counseling and while it shares some elements with therapy, coaching is distinct and very different.
Coaching is concerned with moving you from where you are to where you want to be. We do look back to your past, as you might with a counselor or therapist, but it is only so we can gain an understanding of the blocks standing in your way. This helps us know how to remove those blocks to move you forward. We don’t stay in the past because coaching is future focused.
Are We A Good Fit?
The key to your success is finding the right coach to support you. We could be a good fit for each other if:
- You want to feel well supported as you step into doing this hard work.
- You are open to being challenged and stretched to help you reach your goals.
- You have done some inner work in the past – with a counselor, therapist, or coach (depending on where you are, coaching may still be right for you. We can explore this during your Courage Ignited Call).
- You have a spiritual practice or some way that you connect with Spirit/Source/God/the Universe/the Divine (whatever name works for you).
- You’re done being in victim and blaming mode (we’ll talk more about what that is together) and you’re ready to take responsibility for your choices to create the life you want.
- You want a coach who will create a safe space for you to look at the things you have been hesitant to see before.
- You want to work with someone who gets it because she was once where you are and found her way out. You can read more about that here.
Why Me?
I have been where you are, standing at a crossroads terrified of what making the change you need to make will mean for you and those around you.
I’ve walked that road and I use the lessons I’ve learned from my own journey to hold space for my clients as they face change and the chaos of the in-between. As a result, some of my clients’ outcomes have included:
- Leaving an emotionally and psychologically damaging relationship even though she was sure she wanted to marry the man.
- Changing careers to chase her life-long dream instead of doing what “made the most sense”.
- Using skills she’d honed in a career she loved, but wasn’t fulfilling her, to create a dream event for young women. An event she had wanted to do for a long time but couldn’t see how to make it happen. She feels more fulfilled now and has had two more opportunities open up for her along the same lines.
- Getting the clarity and focus needed to pursue starting her own business including knowing and naming her WHY on a much deeper level.
- Walking away from a community that was once a safe-haven but no longer supported who she is becoming. She became willing to say YES to herself and her gifts and NO to a place and people who could not support her.
Together we take the fear, doubt, uncertainty and discomfort of the in-between and allow it to create magic that transforms your life. Transformation is possible in the in-between. I’ll hold the space and create the container for your metamorphosis to occur.
The in-between can feel like an ending and in many ways it is but it is also a beginning. For just when the caterpillar thought its life was over, it became a butterfly. Who might you become? Let’s find out together!
There are currently two ways to work with me, either through my four-month one-on-one coaching program or my Discover Your Greatness self-paced program. Scroll down to learn more.

Private 1:1 Coaching
Four Months
- Pre-coaching assessment to get a clear picture of the gap between where you are and where you want to be
- Eight (8) 50-minute private video coaching calls
- Detailed plan of action after every session
- Unlimited email support
Investment: $400 per month

Self-Paced Coaching Program
Six Weeks
- Three (3) 45-minute video trainings, delivered every two weeks
- Audio download of teaching to listen on the go
- Handouts & worksheets to solidify teachings
- Email support from me during the six weeks of the program
Investment: $249 (one time payment)
Not sure which option is best for you? Let’s talk! Click here to schedule a complimentary call with me today.
“Working with Makeda has by far allowed me to change and challenge the way I do things. Makeda provided me with a non-judgmental space and navigated me through the many layers of those external expectations and judgments to discover who I was and what I really wanted. This built my confidence in being who I am and in my decision making. She has an innate ability to get directly to your self-conscious and bring things to surface that help make decisions easy.” S. Matthews