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Thank You!

 Thank you for the opportunity to partner with you! I’m excited to work with you and look forward to seeing you gain the clarity you need so you can get moving forward.

Here are your next steps:

1) Click here to schedule your Pre-Session Call. Please schedule allowing yourself enough time to complete the Pre-Session worksheets as I will need to get them back from you at least 48 hours prior to this call. If none of the available times on my calendar work for you, please let me know and we’ll see what we can work out.

2) Click here to download all your Pre-Session Worksheets.

3) If you haven’t already, I would love for you to sign up to receive my weekly newsletter with tips and strategies for getting and STAYING unstuck. I will generally email you only once a week unless something important comes up that I want to share with you. You can sign up on the right hand side of this page.


If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me


All the best,



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