Welcome! On this page you will find a ton of FREE tools to help you get unstuck, move past your fears, and rise into the greatness that IS in you (even if you don’t yet believe it). Browse the list of offerings. Grab the ones that resonate most with you and take the first steps towards experiencing the freedom that’s waiting for you. You’ve got this! From my
to yours, Makeda.
How’s Your Self-Care, REALLY?

You know you should do it but how consistent are you really at your self-care? Take this short quiz and discover where you may be missing opportunities to nurture yourself. You’ll also get simple tips for making small changes today. Get started below.
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Start Moving Forward Again

Ever felt stuck but didn’t know the first thing to do to get moving again? Ready to step confidently in the direction of your dreams? Then grab this guide. It has 26 different tips and strategies to get you unstuck and moving forward again. Grab the FREE guide below
Get Unstuck Today
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Less Stress in Just Five Days

Nobody enjoys feeling stressed out. Yet it seems like a common state of being for most people. Join me and learn 5 simple things you can do to experience less stress. It’s only 5 days but it just might change your life Enter your info below & start your 5 day journey
Start Your Journey
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Negative Self-Talk is NOT Normal

You know all those negative things you say to yourself, about yourself? The innumerable ways you beat yourself up because you’re “lacking” in some way? All that negative self-talk is not normal. Learn the truth behind it and start living the life you were born to live. Enter your info to get this FREE resource
Learn the Truth
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You are ALREADY Enough!

You’re not tall enough, rich enough, smart enough, focused enough. The list is endless of all the ways you’re made to believe you are not enough. This one-page manifesto is a simple reminder that you, exactly as you are today, ARE ENOUGH! Download the manifesto and start remembering who you are
Download Manifesto
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Own Your Confidence Without Apology

Women are conditioned to believe that if they are “too confident” they will be seen as arrogant. But it is possible to stand in your power without coming across as a know-it-all. In this e-book learn 6 strategies you can use to be more confident. Get it and start owning your confidence
Get the Mini E-book
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