You Are Worthy of YOUR Trust
3 Strategies for Building Self-Trust
Do you struggle with self-doubt? Second guessing yourself on every decision, fearful of getting it wrong?
Do you need to ask as many people as possible to make sure you make the “right choice”? And even then, worry endlessly about it?
Join me for this FREE workshop and learn practical steps you can take to trust yourself more deeply. During our 60 minutes together we will look at:
- The role of intuition in cultivating self-trust
- The difference between discernment and judgment and why it matters in building self-trust
- The wisdom of the body and its importance in the process
- Specific tools to help you as you seek to develop more self-trust
- Plus, there will be time for Q&A
Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 12:30 pm ET (check your time zone)
It’s 100% free. Join me and remember why you are worthy of YOUR trust.