Build Confidence and Become Unstoppable


Learning to Dance With Fear

Saturday, September 15, 2018

No one is exempt from feeling fear. Everyone experiences it on some level. But for some, fear feels overwhelming and paralyzing. It keeps you stuck in the job, relationship, home, or other uncomfortable situation because while it’s not ideal, at least it’s familiar.

Often, just the thought of making a change and doing something different, no matter how small, feels terrifying and anxiety inducing. So you do nothing, all the while wishing things could be different.

The truth is fear never goes away. Any action that takes you outside your comfort zone is going to invite fear. Therefore, the key is to learn to work with your fear rather than letting fear shut you down.

All emotion is felt in the body. In fact, your body has carried the burden of everything you have experienced in your life. Inside your body is a storehouse of wisdom waiting for you to access it.

In this unique workshop you will discover the ways your body can act as an ally to support you in dealing with fear. You don’t have to stay stuck, feeling insecure and unhappy.

It is possible to feel confident and more courageous even in the midst of feeling fear. You CAN learn to dance with your fear.

Join Life Coach Makeda Pennycooke and Integrative Therapist, Libby Chambers Kluttz and learn how to make friends with your fear.

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In this training you will learn:

  • Two assumptions you MUST make when dealing with fear.

  • A simple technique for moving through fear the moment it strikes.

  • A repeatable 4-step process for dancing with fear.

This workshop will also utilize intentional, conscious movement to bring about an organic learning of how the body is used and how we relate to life from within the body.

You will learn to recognize and leave behind limiting patterns of movement as a correlation to the limiting beliefs that feed your fear. You’ll release those beliefs through easy to follow movement techniques.

Have no fear, this work is gentle, all levels will be comfortable and no prior experience with movement is necessary. The only requirement is the ability to get to the floor and back to standing without assistance.

Investment: $120 Early Bird Rate $97 (until August 12th)

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Saturday, September 15, 2018 10:00am - 5:30pm

Elemental Healing, 5200 Park Rd, Charlotte, NC

Meet your workshop leaders

Libby Chambers Kluttz, Integrative Therapist

Libby brings to this learning the body spirit connection. She has an awareness of the body’s potential from her nearly 15 years as a Neuromuscular Bodywork Therapist and a lifetime of teaching Mindful Movement that includes dance, yoga and somatic movement. She draws heavily on the work of Neuroplasticity pioneers Moshe Feldenkrais and Ruthy Alon in order to reorganize the brain/body habitual movements and interrupt repetitive stress patterns.

Makeda Pennycooke, Certified Life Coach

Makeda has over two decades of leadership experience but admits that her own fears, doubts, and negative self-talk once kept her playing small. After doing some serious inner work, she learned how to conquer those obstacles. As a certified Life Coach she now uses the tools and strategies she developed along the way to support women in finding their brave and making space in their lives for their dreams. She believes chocolate makes everything better, and life should be filled with moments that make your heart sing. She loves the ocean, sun-kissed days, and a good cup of steaming hot tea (always tea, never coffee).

Investment: $120 Early Bird Rate $97 (until August 12th)

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